1. Name the nearest
star to the earth?
is the nearest star to the earth
2. Light from the sun
reaches the earth in 8.3 minutes. Calculate the distance of the sun from
(Velocity of light
= 3 x 105kms-1)
= distance traveled/time taken or distance traveled = velocity x time taken
travelled = 3 x 108 x 100 x 8.3 x 60 = 1.5 x 108km
3. What is solar
luminosity? What is its value?
a )
The amount of solar energy radiated per second
in all direction is called solar luminosity.
b )
Its value is 3.9 x 1026
4. What is the surface
temperature of the sun?
surface temperature of the sun is about 6000K
7. Give the relation
between Parsec and light year?
Parsec = 3.26 light year
8. Name the scale on
which the brightness of a body is represented?
brightness of a body is represented on magnitude scale.
9. Two stars have a
magnitude difference 6. What is their brightness ratio?
brightness ratio is 1:100
10. Define luminosity of
a star. On what factors does it depend?
The total energy emitted by a star in one second
is called its luminosity.
The luminosity of a star depends on the
temperature and diameter of the star.
11. Name the
characteristics on which the size of a star is determined?
size of a star is determined based on their temperature and luminosity
12. What is a galaxy?
huge group of stars held together by gravitation is called a galaxy
13. Mention the different
types of galaxies?
irregular and elliptical are the three types of galaxies.
14. Explain the stages of
evolution of a sun like star?
are the major stages in the evolution of a star.
The star begins its life with a huge cloud of gaseous
hydrogen that contract due to gravity. This results in increased pressure and
density and forms a spherical mass at the canter of the cloud and is called the
Steady state
When the star contracts, it reaches millions of degrees and
the fusion of hydrogen nucleus begins. The energy released during the nuclear fusion
expands the matter and balances the inward gravitational pull. This stage is
called the steady state.
Red giant
Due to the continuous fusion of hydrogen into helium a core
of helium is formed. the envelope expands and cools into a red star and is called
the red giant.
White dwarf
As a star’s envelope expands its core contracts and heats up
and reaches a temperature of around 108K. Helium is converted in to
carbon. When there is no more fusion, the core cannot contract further and the
outer envelope gets detached and thrown into space. The core collapses under
the action of gravity.
As the temperature increases, the core develops pressure which
prevents further collapse and becomes a white dwarf and shines due to its high
When it slowly cools, it becomes dimmer and becomes a black
15. Explain briefly the
life cycle of a massive star after its red giant stage?
After the red giant stage, due to the fusion of
helium, a carbon core is produced.
This ignites to produce a core of oxygen,
magnesium, silicon, iron etc, each inside the layer of another with iron as the
inner most core.
At this stage, the star explodes and is called
the supernova.
During supernova, most of the material is thrown
out at a great speed of about 104 km/second, leaving behind a sphere
of neutrons. This is called the neutron star.
Initially it looks like a nebula and gradually
mixes with the gaseous clouds to form new stars.
The stars thus formed will have elements heavier
than hydrogen and helium.
16. What is the
difference between open and globular star clusters?
In the open type of star clusters stars appear
to be loosely bound and have many blue young stars
In globular type, stars appear to be tightly
bound and have mostly red colour stars.
17. What is the evidence
for expanding universe?
The spectral lines of all galaxies show red
The spectral lines of a given galaxy show equal
red shift.
These red shifts show that the galaxies are
moving away from us with enormous speeds.
This shows that the universe is expanding.
18. State Hubble’s law.
On what basis is it derived?
Hubble’s law states that the velocity of
recession of a celestial body is proportional to its distance from us.
It is based on the study of red shift of the
various galaxies.
19. Write a note on Big
Bang theory?
Big Bang theory refers to the explosion of the
primordial fireball with a big bang.
This resulted in the expansion of the universe
As a result of big bang, matter and radiation
cooled, stars and galaxies were formed.
Planets came into existence and life came into
e1. Name the theory that
can be used to determine the mass of the earth?
laws of planetary motion can be used to determine the mass of the earth.
2. Where do you find
solar telescopes in India?
telescopes are found at Kodaikanal and Udaipur.
3. How do you know the
existence of different elements in the sun?
Solar spectrum has different Fraunhofer lines as
seen from a spectroscope.
An analysis of these reveals the existence of
different elements in the sun.
4. What is photosphere?
visible disc of the sun is called the photosphere
5. Describe briefly the
structure of corona?
The region beyond the chromospheres of the sun
is called corona.
It extends to millions of km.
During a total solar eclipse, it is seen as a
white halo around the sun.
When it is covered by the photosphere and
chromospheres, matter in this region is plasma.
6. What are
granulations and spicules?
grain like patterns and thread like structures seen on the photosphere of the
sun are called granulations and spicules
7. What are solar
steaming out of the sun’s surface like thunderstorms is called solar flares.
8. What are solar
streaming out of the sun’s surface burst like thunderstorm and looping back
into the photosphere are called
solar prominences.
9. What are aurora?
spectacular color display of charged particles ejected at great speeds from the
sun when they ionize the air molecules
are called aurora.
10. How are we protected
from many electromagnetic radiations from the sun?
earth’s atmosphere absorbs many of the electromagnetic radiations like
ultraviolet rays, X-rays etc. and allows only
heat, light and radio waves and a small amount of ultraviolet rays. Hence we
are protected.
11. What makes the sun
highly energetic?
temperature at the core of the sun that is of an order of 20 million Kelvin and
the nuclear reactions taking place
there makes the sun highly energetic.
12. How does energy from
the sun reaches the photosphere?
from the sun reaches the photosphere through radiation and convection.
13. Why do stars differ
in their color?
differ in their color due to the difference in their temperature.
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